So...people are wondering just how I do this. Well, it's not really rocket science, but it DOES take a LOT of time, research and patience (none of which I have these days). The image above tells all. It's a matter of:
1. taking several good quality photographs as far away from the subject as you can.
2. Inserting said photos into a high quality 2-D drafting program that supports layers and
3. Creating vector shapes over top of the photo. (see image above).
The trick is to know how to manipulate the photos to correct for perspective distortion and other abberations. Yes, there's some good ol' fashioned winging it as well, but that gets kept to a minimum.
I have simplified the process because a magician never shows ALL the secrets to his tricks but, really, that's it in a nutshell! Bottom Line: You must
know as much as you can about the subject and you must be ready to redo bad work over...and over...and over....you get the idea.